Man with group of women and a child posing with red heart mascot beneath a heart-shaped balloon arch

NRE Raises Record Amount For AHA

New River Electrical employees and family members participated in the 2016 Roanoke Regional Heart Walk.  This is the eighth year NRE participated in the Heart Walk, this year held at River’s Edge Park in Roanoke on October 22, 2016.  The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association’s (AHA) primary fundraising event.  The AHA’s goal is to save lives from America’s #1 and #5 killers – heart disease and stroke.

A banner on a chain-link fence featuring many red hearts and the message

During the 2016 campaign, New River Electrical not only participated in the Heart Walk but also held a raffle giving away three American Express gift cards to the lucky winners.  Through their hard work and generosity, New River Electrical raised a record $2,970.00 this year besting last year’s record amount by 47%.

But we’re not done yet.  If you missed the event but would like to support the AHA, click here to donate through the New River Heart Walk page.