The Covid-19 pandemic has changed so much about the world we live in. The impacts are quite unsettling as we all probably know someone that has been affected by this pandemic. Through no fault of their own, countless number of people have found themselves unemployed and struggling to provide for themselves and their family.
In light of the difficulties many are experiencing during this time, the Board of Directors at New River Electrical Corporation (NREC) was moved to consider regional charitable donations for both our Cloverdale, Virginia, and Westerville, Ohio, offices.
“It just felt like the right thing to do,” said Ike Poe, Senior Vice President of Operations. “We work in an industry that is essential for preserving our country’s electrical infrastructure. What better time to give something back to our regional community as so many around us find themselves without employment.”
Together, NREC’s Board of Directors decided to match all of the organization’s cumulative personal donations up to $5,000 for each location.
The Ohio office raised funds for the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Central Ohio Coronavirus Response Fund. RMHC of Central Ohio offers help to thousands of families in their deepest times of need while providing housing for mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters while their family member is being treated at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. During the COVID-19 pandemic, RMHC of Central Ohio is experiencing increased operating costs to keep its facilities sanitized for patients and their families and is hoping to raise $30,000 to take care of these needs.
The Virginia office raised funds for Feeding Southwest Virginia (FSWVA), the region’s largest supplier of charitable food relief. As more people are needing help than ever before, FSWVA is experiencing a food crisis and needs help covering extra costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the virus emergency, Feeding Southwest Virginia has seen a 40% increase in demand for life-sustaining food supplies for families who previously may not have had problems getting food on the table.
“How we handle difficult times demonstrates our true character,” said John Lanning, Senior Vice President. “Even with the day-to-day difficulties brought on by the pandemic, NREC continued to serve our industry as an essential service provider. Our NREC family showed their true character in supporting our regional community as so many around us find themselves in need of a helping hand.”
Our culture here is one of teamwork, and we’re happy to say that together, New River Electrical raised $27,145.26 across both campaigns! Even though times are tough, we’re confident we can pull through it by doing what we can to support others in need.